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== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
*[https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jabm/issue/view/3318 Service Quality Influence On Repurchase Intention, Through Customer Satisfaction Mediation:Indonesia Music Studio Perspective. ''Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/jpkm/article/view/40896 Seminar Smart Hospital Sebagai Upaya Pendampingan Pengembangan RSK Mojowarno, Kabupaten Jombang. ''Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.unimed.ac.id/2012/index.php/jpkm/article/view/40896 Seminar Smart Hospital Sebagai Upaya Pendampingan Pengembangan RSK Mojowarno, Kabupaten Jombang. ''Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/LeECOM/article/view/3700 Pemberdayaan Kelompok Keluarga Berdaya ( KKB ) Melalui Pelatihan Menjahit, Craft untuk mempersiapkan Entrepreneur Pemula Di Perumahan Griya Candramas Desa Pepe Kecamatan Sedati Kabupaten Sidoarjo,Provinsi Jawa Timur. ''LeeECOM'' (2023)]
*Pelatihan Keterampilan dan Wawasan Profesional Cleaning Service untuk Tenaga Kebersihan Universitas. ''e-Dimas Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat LPPM PGRI Semarang'' (2021)
*Pelatihan Keterampilan dan Wawasan Profesional Cleaning Service untuk Tenaga Kebersihan Universitas. ''e-Dimas Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat LPPM PGRI Semarang'' (2021)
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/rome/article/view/1302 DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILLS AND HARD SKILLS FOR CLEANING STAFF: STUDY ON CLEANLINESS OF PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN SURABAYA.. ''Review of Management and Entrepreneurship'' (2020)]
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/rome/article/view/1302 DEVELOPMENT OF SOFT SKILLS AND HARD SKILLS FOR CLEANING STAFF: STUDY ON CLEANLINESS OF PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN SURABAYA.. ''Review of Management and Entrepreneurship'' (2020)]

Revision as of 10:29, 8 March 2024