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== International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS == | == International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS == | ||
*[https://interiority.eng.ui.ac.id/index.php/journal/article/view/260 Interiority in Sade Village Indigenous Corridor. ''Interiority'' (2023)] | *[https://interiority.eng.ui.ac.id/index.php/journal/article/view/260 Interiority in Sade Village Indigenous Corridor. ''Interiority'' (2023)] | ||
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/QRJ-08-2023-0127/full/html Street vendors and power relations among actors : Process of place making in Borobudur food and craft market. ''Qualitative Research Journal'' (2023)] | |||
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2022-0022/full/html?skipTracking=true Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy'' (2022)] | *[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2022-0022/full/html?skipTracking=true Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy'' (2022)] | ||
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OHI-01-2022-0009/full/html Exploring the sense of place of traditional shopping streets through Instagram’s visual images and narratives. ''Open House International'' (2022)] | *[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OHI-01-2022-0009/full/html Exploring the sense of place of traditional shopping streets through Instagram’s visual images and narratives. ''Open House International'' (2022)] | ||
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*[https://journals.telkomuniversity.ac.id/idealog/article/view/5697 Pengaruh Fisik dan Sosial Terhadap Keterikatan Tempat di Kafe Demandailing. ''Jurnal Idealog'' (2023)] | *[https://journals.telkomuniversity.ac.id/idealog/article/view/5697 Pengaruh Fisik dan Sosial Terhadap Keterikatan Tempat di Kafe Demandailing. ''Jurnal Idealog'' (2023)] | ||
*[https://share.petra.ac.id/index.php/share/article/view/25487 WEBSITE BERBASIS KONSEP SENSE OF PLACE PASAR KREATIF KAWASAN PARIWISATA. ''Share : Journal of Service Learning'' (2023)] | *[https://share.petra.ac.id/index.php/share/article/view/25487 WEBSITE BERBASIS KONSEP SENSE OF PLACE PASAR KREATIF KAWASAN PARIWISATA. ''Share : Journal of Service Learning'' (2023)] | ||
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/LeECOM/article/view/4334 Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Batik Artisan Disabilitas Topeng Malangan Untuk Praktik Keberlanjutan Fashion. ''Jurnal LEECOM Universitas Ciputra'' (2023)] | |||
*[https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/7680 Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. ''Humaniora'' (2022)] | *[https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/7680 Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. ''Humaniora'' (2022)] | ||
*[http://jurnalsaintek.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/EIJA/article/view/1423 Representasi Pengalaman Spasial di Media Sosial Instagram: Kasus Koridor Belanja Tradisional Malioboro Yogyakarta. ''Emara: Indonesian Journal of Architecture'' (2022)] | *[http://jurnalsaintek.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/EIJA/article/view/1423 Representasi Pengalaman Spasial di Media Sosial Instagram: Kasus Koridor Belanja Tradisional Malioboro Yogyakarta. ''Emara: Indonesian Journal of Architecture'' (2022)] |
Revision as of 10:03, 8 March 2024
Dr. Astrid, S.T., M.M / Astrid Kusumowidagdo is an Associate Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra since 2006 and currently part of Architecture (Architecture Interior Concentration). Currently, she is the Dean of Universitas Ciputra’s School of Creative Industry. In addition to working as a practitioner and writer, she is also assigned to be coordinator of Strategic Research of Sense of Place in Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. Her research mostly focusing on commercial space design and behaviour, entrepeneurhip, lifestyle, and creative industry. She is a member of Ikatan Peneliti lingkungan Binaan Indonesia (IPLBI, Indonesian Interior Designer Association (HDII- Member of IFI), Assoc. Malaysian Environment Behavior Researcher (AMER)/ Assoc Behavioural Researcher of Asians (ABRA) and International Association People-Environment Studies (IAPS).
Author Pages
- Architecture Interior, Commercial Design and behaviour, Entreprenuership, Lifestyle and Creative Industry
International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS
- Interiority in Sade Village Indigenous Corridor. Interiority (2023)
- Street vendors and power relations among actors : Process of place making in Borobudur food and craft market. Qualitative Research Journal (2023)
- Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy (2022)
- Exploring the sense of place of traditional shopping streets through Instagram’s visual images and narratives. Open House International (2022)
- When the sense of place value is challenged by pandemic: Value exchange in indigenous community-based tourism in Sade-Lombok, Indonesia. Journal of Enterprising Communities (2021)
- Visitors' Perceptions on the important factors of atrium design in shopping centers: A study of Gandaria City Mall and Ciputra World in Indonesia. Frontiers of Architectural Research (2016)
- The Role of Entrepreneur in Residence Towards Students Entrepreneurial Performance: A Study of Entrepreneurial Learning Process at Ciputra University. Procedia Behavioural and Social Science-Scopus Indexed (2015)
- Visitor Perception of Public Space Design in Creating Shopping Centre Sense of Place. Procedia Behavioural and Social Science-Scopus Indexed (2015)
- The Impact of Atmospheric Stimuli of Store On Human Behaviour. Procedia Behaviour and Social Science (2012)
International Journal
- Commercial Corridor as a Place for Creating a Great Sense of Place:A Literature Review on FourLocations of Commercial Corridor. GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) (2019)
- Sense of Place Amongst Adolescents :The Place Attachment Affective Factors in Shopping Malls. Maker Human Behaviour Studies in Asia (2015)
- The Important Factors of Corridor Setting in Shopping Centres. Architecture Science Journal (2015)
- Types of Visitor Relation With Shopping Centre and Sense of Place Scale: Study of Two Indonesian Shopping Centres. The International Journal of Social Sciences (2015)
- Visitor Perception on Foodcourt Serviscape, Study of Two Retail Centres Foodcourts in Indonesia. Gobal Journal of Business and Social Science Review (2015)
- Visitor Preference Factors Toward Shopping Centre's Thematic Corridor, Study of Gandaria City, Indonesian Shopping Centre. Journal of Arts and Humanities (2015)
- The Setting of Internal Shopping Centre's Public Spaces and Their Relationship to The Visitor. Singapore (2013)
- Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty on G-Walk Brand. Global Network International Journal of Business Management (2012)
- The Process of Entrepreneurship Learning on Innovative Venture Creation at University of Ciputra, Surabaya. Journal of Education and Practice (2011)
National Journal indexed by Sinta
- Pengaruh Fisik dan Sosial Terhadap Keterikatan Tempat di Kafe Demandailing. Jurnal Idealog (2023)
- Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Batik Artisan Disabilitas Topeng Malangan Untuk Praktik Keberlanjutan Fashion. Jurnal LEECOM Universitas Ciputra (2023)
- Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. Humaniora (2022)
- Representasi Pengalaman Spasial di Media Sosial Instagram: Kasus Koridor Belanja Tradisional Malioboro Yogyakarta. Emara: Indonesian Journal of Architecture (2022)
- Sense of Place in Virtual Design Studio (VDS): A Review. RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) (2022)
- Desain Fesyen Ready-To-Wear: Sebuah Studi Merek Fesyen Kolaborasi Akademik dan Industri. Idealog (2021)
- SENSE OF PLACE KAWASAN WISATA PASAR UBUD. NATURE National Academic Journal of Architecture (2020)
- Sense Of Place Pasar Barang Antik Triwindu: Eksplorasi Faktor Fisik Dan Sosial Pada Kompleks Arsitektur Komersial Di Surakarta. Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya (2019)
- The Negative Aspects of Ampel Corridor Environment as a Historical Commercial Site. Jakarta (2017)
- Pengaruh Atmosfer Pusat Belanja Pada Shopping Value. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis (2013)
- The Existence of Thematic Interior Elements as Simulation that Create Shopping Experience. MUDRA (2013)
- Shoppers Perception on Physical Condition of Shopping Centre Atmosphere at Different Lifecycle. Indonesia (2012)
International Proceeding
- THE SENSE OF PLACE: SADE SHOPPING CORRIDOR. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (2020)
- Entrepreneurial Community and the Unique Marketing Mix As Social Factors that Create Sense of Place in Lok Baintan Floating Market. KnE Social Sciences: The 6th International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICOEN) 2019 (2020)
- Authenticity of Physical Environment That Influence Sense of Place: A Qualitative Study at Ampel Corridor, Surabaya, Indonesia. Proceeding of The International Conference on Cities Identity Through Architecture and Arts 2017 (2017)
- Investigating sense of place at historic commercial street corridor: Visitor Perception of Social Aspects. Proceeding of The International Conference on Cities Identity Through Architecture and Arts 2017 (2017)
- Entrepreneurship Learning Model Involving the Businessman (Entrepreneur in Residence); Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship at Ciputra University.. International Conference On Education & Social Science (UK-ICESS) (2016)
- The Role of Entrepreneur in Residence towards the Students' Entrepreneurial Performance: A Study of Entrepreneurship Learning Process at Ciputra University, Indonesia.. Second Global Conference on Business and Social Science (2015)
- Entrepreneurship Intention in Non-Business Students A Study in the Department of Interior Architecture Universitas Ciputra Surabaya-Indonesia. International Conference on Entrepreneurship Education 2014 (2014)
- Retail Centre and Atmosphere for Creative Culture, Cases of Two Retail Centres in Surabaya. Proseding Artepolis, International Artepolis, Creative Connectivity and The Making of Place (2012)
- The Physical Construction of Sense of Place. Proceeding International Conference on Culture, Society, Technology and Urban Development in Nusantara (2012)
National Proceeding
- Perkembangan Desain Ruang Publik Pada Interior Pusat Belanja. Prosiding pada Seminar Nasional Urban Acupunture. Proseding Pada Seminar Nasional Urban Accupunture (2013)
- Persepsi Pengunjung Pada Desain Pusat Belanja. Prosiding Seminar Desain dan Teknik Perencanaan (2012)
- Preferensi Pengunjung Terhadap Kota Mini Pada Ruang Publik Pusat Belanja Sebagai Budaya Populer (2012)
- Fashion History Around The World 1st Edition (2022)
- The Sense of Place Value and the Actors Involved: Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Indonesia (2021)
- Arsitek Inspiratif Vol.1, Serial Antologi Tooh Desain Ternama (2021)
- Arsitek Inspiratif Vol.2, Serial Antologi Tokoh Desain Ternama (2021)
- Desainer Interior Inspiratif Vol. 2, Serial Antologi Tokoh Desain ternama (2021)
- Desainer Interior Inspiratif Vol.1, Serial Antologi Tokoh Desain Ternama (2021)
- Strategi Pengembangan Desain Dalam Pembelajaran Daring di Era Budaya Digital (2021)
- An analysis of sense of place in floating market Lok Baintan, Kalimantan : a study about social and physical factors of commercial area in river corridor (2019)
- An analysis of sense of place in Ke'te Kesu' Shopping Corridor, North: a study about social and physical factors of shopping corridors in ancient village (2019)
- An analysis of sense of place in Sade vilage shopping corridor, Lombok: a study about physical and social factors of cultural shopping area in the Island of Deities (2019)
- An Analysis of Sense of Place in Triwindu Market Surakarta (2019)
- An analysis of sense of place in Ubud Market Bali: a study about social and physical factors of cultural shopping area in the island of deities (2019)
- Authenticity of the physical environment that influences a sense of place: A qualitative study at Ampel Street Corridor, Surabaya, Indonesia (2018)
- An Analysis of Sense of Place in Ampel Corridor Surabaya "A Study About Physical and Social factors in a Historic Commercial Area" (2017)
- Karya Rekaman Video Balai Ekonomi Desa Karangrejo (2022)
- Karya Rekaman Video Commercial Areas at Borobudur Temple (2022)
- Peta Ilustrasi Atraksi dan Tempat-tempat Wisata untuk Daerah Kawasan Candi Borobudur (2022)
- Poster Sense Of Place Kawasan Belanja Tradisional Pada Kawasan Wisata Indonesia: Implementasi Pada Media Visual Website (2022)
- Program Komputer Website Sense of Place (2022)
- Seni Ilustrasi: Candi Borobudur (2022)
- Video : Explorasi Sense Of Place Pasar Malioboro Dalam Social Media (2021)
- Booklet-The Sense Of Places Indonesia Traditional Shopping Area (2020)
- Desain Modern Untuk Sejarah Fashion 2 (2020)
- Desain Modern Untuk Sejarah Fashion 3 (2020)
- Desain Modern Untuk Sejarah Fashion 4 (2020)
- Desain Modern Untuk Sejarah Fashion. (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video - The Sense Of Place Of Ampel Corridor Surabaya (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video - The Sense Of Place Of Triwindu Antique Market, Surakarta (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video-The Sense Of Lok Baintan Market (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video-The Sense Of Place Of Ke'Te' Kesu' Shopping Corridor, North Toraja (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video-The Sense Of Place Of Sade Shopping Corridor Lombok (2020)
- Karya Rekaman Video-The Sense Of Place Of Ubud Market Bali (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi - The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Desa Sade, Lombok (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi-The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Koridor Ampel, Surabaya (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi-The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Koridor Belanja Kete Kesu, Toraja Utara (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi-The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Pasar Terapung Lok Baintan, Banjarmasin (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi-The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Pasar Antik Triwindu, Surakarta (2020)
- Seni Ilustrasi-The Sense Of Place Of Traditional Shopping Area: Pasar Ubud & Jalan Karna, Bali (2020)
- An Analysis Of Sense Of Place In Floating Market Lok Baintan, Kalimantan: A Study About Physical And Social Factors Of Commercial Area In River Corridor (HKI) (2019)
- An Analysis Of Sense Of Place In Kete Kesu Shopping Corridor, North Toraja: A Study About Physical And Social Factors Of Shopping Corridors In Ancient Village (HKI) (2019)
- An Analysis Of Sense Of Place In Sade Village Shopping Corridor, Lombok A Study About Physical And Social Factors Of Commercial Corridors In Tourism Site (HKI) (2019)
- An Analysis of Sense of Place in Triwindu Market Surakarta (2019)
- An Analysis Of Sense Of Place In Ubud Market Bali A Study About Physilcal Dan Social Factors Of Cultural Shopping Area In The Island Of Deities (HKI) (2019)
- Desain Ritel : Komunikasikan Strategi Perencanaan Bisnis dengan Tepat ! (2019)
- Panduan Penataan Kawasan Koridor Pasar Tradisional (2019)
- Panduan Penataan Kawasan Koridor Pasar Tradisional (HAKI) (2018)
- Tinjauan Sense of Place Koridor Ampel Surabaya (Hak Cipta) (2018)
Industrial Design
- Desain Bentuk Meja Makan (2021)
- hiasan panggung (2021)
- Interioritas Ruang Publik Stasiun di Surabaya (2021)
Formal Educations
Year | Level | School/Institution/University |
1995 | S1 | Universitas Kristen Petra |
2003 | S2 | Universitas Airlangga |
2011 | S3 | Institut Teknologi Bandung |