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|govposition=[[Assistant Professor]]
|govposition=[[Associate Professor]]
<p>Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog is an Assistant Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra in 2010 and is currently part of Psychology Department. Her research interests &nbsp;are social exchange/reciprocity, relationship in exchange, power interplay, indigenous enterprise,community enterprise, online exchange.</p>
<p>Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog is an Associate Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra in 2010 and is currently part of Psychology Department. Her research interests &nbsp;are social exchange/reciprocity, relationship in exchange, power interplay, indigenous enterprise,community enterprise.</p>
== Author Pages ==
== Author Pages ==
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== Expertise ==
== Expertise ==
* indigeneous enterprise
* instrumental case study method
* straussian grounded theory method
* straussian grounded theory method
* social exchange theory
* social exchange theory
* instrumental case study method
* indigeneous enterprise

== International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS ==
== International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS ==
*[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17450128.2024.2402396 Weaving The Real and The Virtual Young Urban Indonesians’ Lived Experiences of Making Psychological Homes. ''Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies'' (2024)]
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/QRJ-08-2023-0127/full/html Street vendors and power relations among actors : Process of place making in Borobudur food and craft market. ''Qualitative Research Journal'' (2023)]
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2022-0022/full/html?skipTracking=true Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy'' (2022)]
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2022-0022/full/html?skipTracking=true Exchanged Actors Behind The Creation of Sense of Place Value in Indigenous Tourism Enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in The Global Economy'' (2022)]
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2021-0020/full/html When the sense of place value is challenged by pandemic: Value exchange in indigenous community-based tourism in Sade-Lombok, Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities'' (2021)]
*[https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEC-02-2021-0020/full/html When the sense of place value is challenged by pandemic: Value exchange in indigenous community-based tourism in Sade-Lombok, Indonesia. ''Journal of Enterprising Communities'' (2021)]
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== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
*[https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/10891 Indigenous Entrepreneurship that Creates a Sense of Place in the Traditional Shopping Areas. ''Humaniora'' (2024)]
*[https://jurnal.umk.ac.id/index.php/perseptual/article/view/13400/pdf Lansia Aktif dan Berdaya: Studi Perilaku Prososial pada Kader Surabaya Hebat. ''Jurnal Psikologi Perseptual'' (2024)]
*[http://jurnal.wima.ac.id/index.php/EXPERIENTIA/issue/view/469 Identifikasi tahapan self silencing dalam hubungan berpacaran emerging adulthood. ''Jurnal Experientia'' (2024)]
*[https://ejournal.uinsatu.ac.id/index.php/martabat/article/view/7571 Glass Ceiling dan Personal Sense of Power: Tantangan dalam Peningkatan Karir Perempuan. ''Martabat : Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.unika.ac.id/index.php/psi/article/view/10202/2427 Identifikasi Perceived Reward pada Fans K-pop. ''Jurnal Psikodimensia'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.unika.ac.id/index.php/psi/article/view/8918/2233 Identifikasi Tahap-tahap Help-Seeking Behavior pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-Kesehatan. ''Jurnal Psikodimensia'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/proyeksi/article/view/30692 The Role of The Neigborhood Authority in Raising Residents' Obedience to the Implementation of the Health Protocols during The COVID-19 Pandemic. ''Jurnal Psikologi Proyeksi'' (2023)]
*[https://share.petra.ac.id/index.php/share/article/view/25487 WEBSITE BERBASIS KONSEP SENSE OF PLACE PASAR KREATIF KAWASAN PARIWISATA. ''Share : Journal of Service Learning'' (2023)]
*[https://share.petra.ac.id/index.php/share/article/view/25487 WEBSITE BERBASIS KONSEP SENSE OF PLACE PASAR KREATIF KAWASAN PARIWISATA. ''Share : Journal of Service Learning'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/7680 Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. ''Humaniora'' (2022)]
*[https://journal.binus.ac.id/index.php/Humaniora/article/view/7680 Defining the Sense of Place Components in the Food and Craft Market at the World Heritage Site. ''Humaniora'' (2022)]
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== International Proceeding ==
== International Proceeding ==
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ItsUe42sgw1aERsXtEa7seBMSesggXRu/view Cultural Festival's Spatial Setting in Pampang Cultural Village Samarinda-East Borneo. ''Prosiding International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality'' (2023)]
*[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ItsUe42sgw1aERsXtEa7seBMSesggXRu/view Cultural Festival's Spatial Setting in Pampang Cultural Village Samarinda-East Borneo. ''Prosiding International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality'' (2023)]
*[https://whova.com/portal/webapp/aasp_202307/ The Development of Cross-Sector Inter-organizational Exchange Relationship Scale. ''Konferensi Asian Association of Social Psychology'' (2023)]
*Observing the Consumer to meet Their needs case study in cafe " X ". ''1st PIKSI International conference on knowledge and sciences 2014'' (2014)
*Observing the Consumer to meet Their needs case study in cafe " X ". ''1st PIKSI International conference on knowledge and sciences 2014'' (2014)
*Entrepreneurs Are Wealthy, But Can They Be Authentically Happy?. ''The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Small Business (IICIES 2012)'' (2012)
*Entrepreneurs Are Wealthy, But Can They Be Authentically Happy?. ''The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, & Small Business (IICIES 2012)'' (2012)
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== Book ==
== Book ==
*[https://books.google.co.id/books/about/PERTUKARAN_SOSIAL_Teori_Aplikasi_dan_Eva.html?id=LPAuEQAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y Pertukaran Sosial : Teori, Aplikasi, dan Evaluasi dalam Berbagai Konteks (2024)]
*[https://www.google.co.id/books/edition/Strategi_Kebijakan_Pasar_Kretaif_Pada_Ka/9PYhEQAAQBAJ?hl=jv&gbpv=0 Strategi Kebijakan: Pasar Kreatif Pada Kawasan Wisata Indonesia (2024)]
*The Analysis of Sense of Place Borobudur Temple Shopping Areas : A Study about Physical and Social Factors in  a Historic Commercial Area (2022)
*The Analysis of Sense of Place Borobudur Temple Shopping Areas : A Study about Physical and Social Factors in  a Historic Commercial Area (2022)
*Psychopreneur to Empower Life (2022)
*Psychopreneur to Empower Life (2022)
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*[https://isbn.perpusnas.go.id/Account/SearchBuku?searchTxt=riset-riset+cyberpsychology&searchCat=Judu Riset-riset cyberpsychology (2021)]
*[https://isbn.perpusnas.go.id/Account/SearchBuku?searchTxt=riset-riset+cyberpsychology&searchCat=Judu Riset-riset cyberpsychology (2021)]
*[http://ugmpress.ugm.ac.id/id/search/keywords/isu-isu-terkini-relasi-sosial/0 Relasi Bisnis : Asia vs Barat (2020)]
*[http://ugmpress.ugm.ac.id/id/search/keywords/isu-isu-terkini-relasi-sosial/0 Relasi Bisnis : Asia vs Barat (2020)]
== Patent ==
*[https://pdki-indonesia.dgip.go.id/detail/4e7d263b97151f3f579cd4fd358ed5858803b9f1ec95dfbfa010a78dade8e90b?nomor=S00202300959&type=patent&keyword=Metod Metode pembentukan plot visual menggunakan data faktor pengalaman ruang pasar kreatif (UC-KIN23010009) (2024)]

== Copyright ==
== Copyright ==
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NmI2M2E5MTYwZDNkMjRlNmZjODE2ZWRlNzQxOTUwZWEK Apa itu Social Comparison? Membandingkan Diri dengan Orang Lain Memangnya Boleh ? (UC-KIC24090026) (2024)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=MjBmMTg5MTJhM2UxNDg5MTIxMjdkNTg3OWRiODJjNmQK Cara Memahami Keluarga Asal dengan Membuat Genogram (UC-KIC24090025) (2024)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=N2IyNDlkYTRmYWI5ODcyOGMzMDYyYmFiMTUzY2NlZjIK Flyer SOTH 2023 Kec. Glagah, Kec. Babat - Perencanaan Hidup Berkeluarga (UC-KIN24010007) (2024)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=ZjI5YjNjYWE2MDJhNThmZjBlYmM1N2M1MzhhYzVlZTYK Taguette : Software analisa data kualitatif (UC-KIC24060021) (2024)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NmJlYmQxNTdkMGExNzUyOTY5NTg5ZjllM2I4ZGYyZGQK Weaving The Real and Virtual : Indonesian Urban Youth's Lived Experience of Making Psychological Home (UC-KIN24010013) (2024)]
*Identifikasi Tahap-tahap Psychological Help-seeking Behavior pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-kesehatan (UC-KIN23040014) (2023)
*Identifikasi Tahap-tahap Psychological Help-seeking Behavior pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Non-kesehatan (UC-KIN23040014) (2023)
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NjhjMWVmZWUwYTgyYmFkOTMwOGZhNzc0NTZhM2RhOTUK Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pasangan dengan Love Language yang Berbeda pada Mahasiswa  (UC-KIN23040012) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NjhjMWVmZWUwYTgyYmFkOTMwOGZhNzc0NTZhM2RhOTUK Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pasangan dengan Love Language yang Berbeda pada Mahasiswa  (UC-KIN23040012) (2023)]
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*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NGQ4NjVmOTQwZTQ3MmUzODc0MWFiNGY3MDEyMWUwNjYK Behaviorisme Skinner (UC-KIN23050005) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NGQ4NjVmOTQwZTQ3MmUzODc0MWFiNGY3MDEyMWUwNjYK Behaviorisme Skinner (UC-KIN23050005) (2023)]
*Emotional Intelligence for Teamwork (UC-KIN23050008) (2023)
*Emotional Intelligence for Teamwork (UC-KIN23050008) (2023)
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=NTRiYzQxNTY5NTYwZTNmMDg5ODIxZGY5MzJmY2UzMjkK Identifikasi Personal Growth pada Student Mentor Universitas X (UC-KIN23100021) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=N2RkMDJmM2RkMzljZjMyYWMzY2Y1NmJjMWVkOTBlMjEK Peran Grit pada Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi yang Aktif (UC-KIN23040013) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=N2RkMDJmM2RkMzljZjMyYWMzY2Y1NmJjMWVkOTBlMjEK Peran Grit pada Mahasiswa Penerima Beasiswa Prestasi yang Aktif (UC-KIN23040013) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=ZjY0ODdhMzE5ZWMzNjFhOGQyNmIwY2IyMDM3NWE3NGQK Rancangan Pengembangan di PT G (UC-KIN23040011) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=ZjY0ODdhMzE5ZWMzNjFhOGQyNmIwY2IyMDM3NWE3NGQK Rancangan Pengembangan di PT G (UC-KIN23040011) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=M2FjN2U5ZGQzMzU2OWZhY2FhY2E3NjEwYWFjMWM3MmIK Social Butterfly (UC-KIN23050004) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=M2FjN2U5ZGQzMzU2OWZhY2FhY2E3NjEwYWFjMWM3MmIK Social Butterfly (UC-KIN23050004) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=MTFmYjQ3MGJjMzg0Y2ZiYjIwM2YzNzI4ODExMmE3Y2IK The Development of Cross Sector Interorganizational Exchange Relationship Scale (UC-KIN23120001) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=N2MwMzVlNjdiM2ViYjY4YmU0NjMzYWJlOTNlODY4MWYK Thinking Fast and Slow (UC-KIN23050003) (2023)]
*[https://e-hakcipta.dgip.go.id/index.php/c?code=N2MwMzVlNjdiM2ViYjY4YmU0NjMzYWJlOTNlODY4MWYK Thinking Fast and Slow (UC-KIN23050003) (2023)]
*bahagia di usia senja (UC-KIR22060009) (2022)
*bahagia di usia senja (UC-KIR22060009) (2022)

Latest revision as of 13:18, 17 January 2025

Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog

Profile Picture Cicilia Larasati Rembulan.jpg

Academic rank:

Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, S.Psi, M.Psi, Psikolog is an Associate Professor in Universitas Ciputra. She joined Universitas Ciputra in 2010 and is currently part of Psychology Department. Her research interests  are social exchange/reciprocity, relationship in exchange, power interplay, indigenous enterprise,community enterprise.

Author Pages

ORCiD https://orcid.org/https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-9839-4009
Publons https://publons.com/researcher/5401480
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=OdysAaMAAAAJ
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57208687382
SINTA https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6735591


  • indigeneous enterprise
  • instrumental case study method
  • straussian grounded theory method
  • social exchange theory

International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS

International Journal

National Journal indexed by Sinta

National Journal

International Proceeding

National Proceeding

  • Identifikasi Stres dan Promoting Wellness pada Karyawan di Konveksi X. Seminar Nasional Positive Psychology 2015 (2015)
  • Gambaran Strategi Coping Wanita Berperan Ganda dalam Menghadapi Work-Family Conflict. Asosiasi Kesehatan Jiwa Anak Remaja Indonesia (2014)




Formal Educations

Year Level School/Institution/University
2001 S1 Universitas Sanata Dharma
2006 S2 Universitas Gadjah Mada
2016 - 2020 S3 Universitas Gadjah Mada