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== Expertise ==
== Expertise ==
* Studi Kelayakan Bisnis
* Strategi Marketing
* Entrepreneurship
* Family Business
* Financial Korporasi
* Financial Korporasi
* Family Business
* Entrepreneurship
* Strategi Marketing
* Studi Kelayakan Bisnis

== International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS ==
== International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS ==
*[https://www.growingscience.com/dsl/online/dsl_2024_10.pdf Investigation of workplace literacy in Indonesia to enhance employability opportunities. ''Decision Science Letters 13'' (2024)]
*[http://revistapielarieincaltaminte.ro/revistapielarieincaltaminteresurse/en/fisiere/full/vol20-nr4/a DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE FOOTWEAR DESIGNS: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA. ''Revista de pielarie incaltaminte'' (2021)]
*[http://revistapielarieincaltaminte.ro/revistapielarieincaltaminteresurse/en/fisiere/full/vol20-nr4/a DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE FOOTWEAR DESIGNS: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA. ''Revista de pielarie incaltaminte'' (2021)]
*[https://ojs.excelingtech.co.uk/index.php/IJSCM/article/view/5298 An Empirical Study: The effect of Supply Chain Management Practices towards Competitive Advantage and Business Performance. ''International Journal of Supply Chain Management'' (2020)]
*[https://ojs.excelingtech.co.uk/index.php/IJSCM/article/view/5298 An Empirical Study: The effect of Supply Chain Management Practices towards Competitive Advantage and Business Performance. ''International Journal of Supply Chain Management'' (2020)]
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== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
== National Journal indexed by Sinta ==
*[https://aisyah.journalpress.id/index.php/jika/article/view/2356 Does Drinking Coffee and Tea Affect to the Hemoglobine Level on Women of Reproductive Age at Tengger ? – A Preliminary Research. ''Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR/article/view/11548 DESIGN AND MARKET TESTING OF THE MERDEKA BELAJARKAMPUS MERDEKAWEBSITE: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA. ''International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)'' (2023)]
*[http://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/Ekonomi FACTORS WHICH FORM COSTS IN CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES IN SURABAYA. ''Jurnal Ekonomi'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR/article/view/11549 INFORMATION TRANSPARENCY AND REGULATORY FOCUS TO INCREASE BUYING INTEREST IN THE INTEGRATED FOOTWEAR MARKETPLACE (IFM). ''International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/LeECOM/article/view/3940/2687 Membangun Keunggulan Bersaing Griya Kreatif Private melalui Exhibition dan Digitalisasi. ''Jurnal Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/5565/4533 PELATIHAN BRANDING BAGI UMKM GRIYA KREATIVE PRIVATE. ''JURNAL ABADIMAS ADI BUANA'' (2023)]
*[https://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/5565/4533 PELATIHAN BRANDING BAGI UMKM GRIYA KREATIVE PRIVATE. ''JURNAL ABADIMAS ADI BUANA'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/LeECOM/article/view/3938/2686 PENDAMPINGAN INOVASI PRODUK DAN KEMASAN UMKM UNTUK MEMENANGKAN PERSAINGAN. ''Jurnal Leverage, Engagement, Empowerment of Community'' (2023)]
*[https://journal.uc.ac.id/index.php/performa/article/view/2080 PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, SALURAN DISTRIBUSI DAN PERSEPSI HARGA TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA EKA COFFEE. ''Jurna Performa: Jurnal Manajemen dan Start Up Bisnis'' (2023)]
*[https://ejournal.unikama.ac.id/index.php/JEKO/article/view/7314/3609 Pengembangan kualitas dan keunggulan kepemimpinan dalam organisasi: peran moderasi nilai-nilai kearifan lokal. ''Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi'' (2022)]
*[https://ejournal.unikama.ac.id/index.php/JEKO/article/view/7314/3609 Pengembangan kualitas dan keunggulan kepemimpinan dalam organisasi: peran moderasi nilai-nilai kearifan lokal. ''Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi'' (2022)]
*[https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR/article/view/6494 MARKET TESTING OF FOOTWEAR STAKEHOLDER CHAIN MARKETPLACE. ''International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)'' (2022)]
*[https://jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR/article/view/6494 MARKET TESTING OF FOOTWEAR STAKEHOLDER CHAIN MARKETPLACE. ''International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)'' (2022)]
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*[http://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/2922/2512 Mengelola taman budaya di lapangan dewata dengan protokol kesehatan di era new normal. ''Jurnal Abadimas Abdi Buana'' (2021)]
*[http://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/2922/2512 Mengelola taman budaya di lapangan dewata dengan protokol kesehatan di era new normal. ''Jurnal Abadimas Abdi Buana'' (2021)]
*[http://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/2922 MENGELOLATAMAN BUDAYA DI LAPANGAN DEWATA DENGAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DI ERA NEW NORMAL. ''Abadimas Adibuana'' (2021)]
*[http://jurnal.unipasby.ac.id/index.php/abadimas/article/view/2922 MENGELOLATAMAN BUDAYA DI LAPANGAN DEWATA DENGAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DI ERA NEW NORMAL. ''Abadimas Adibuana'' (2021)]
*[https://journal.umpr.ac.id/index.php/pengabdianmu/article/view/1450 Pemberdayaan bagi Masyarakat Mudah dan Bisa Jadi Usaha Rumahan Melalui Pelatihan Pengembangan Wirausaha Cara Ternak Ikan Cupang  Di Kelurahan Putat Jaya Surabaya. ''PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat'' (2020)]
*[http://journal.umpalangkaraya.ac.id/index.php/pengabdianmu/article/view/1450 Pemberdayaan bagi Masyarakat Mudah dan Bisa Jadi Usaha Rumahan Melalui Pelatihan Pengembangan Wirausaha Cara Ternak Ikan Cupang Di Kelurahan Putat Jaya Surabaya. ''Pengabdianmu'' (2020)]
*[http://journal.umpalangkaraya.ac.id/index.php/pengabdianmu/article/view/1450 Pemberdayaan bagi Masyarakat Mudah dan Bisa Jadi Usaha Rumahan Melalui Pelatihan Pengembangan Wirausaha Cara Ternak Ikan Cupang Di Kelurahan Putat Jaya Surabaya. ''Pengabdianmu'' (2020)]
*[https://journal.moestopo.ac.id/index.php/abdimoestopo/article/view/1034 Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Beternak Ikan Cupang sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Demam Berdarah di Kelurahan Putat  Jaya, Surabaya. ''Jurnal Abdi MOESTOPO'' (2020)]
*[https://journal.moestopo.ac.id/index.php/abdimoestopo/article/view/1034 Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Beternak Ikan Cupang sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Demam Berdarah di Kelurahan Putat Jaya, Surabaya. ''Jurnal Abdi MOESTOPO'' (2020)]
*[https://journal.moestopo.ac.id/index.php/abdimoestopo/article/view/1034 Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Beternak Ikan Cupang sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Demam Berdarah di Kelurahan Putat Jaya, Surabaya. ''Jurnal Abdi MOESTOPO'' (2020)]
*[http://www.irjbs.com/index.php/jurnalirjbs/article/view/321 MEMBANGUN STRATEGI "Low Budget High Impact Di Era New Wave Marketing Kajian Atas Perusahaan-Perusahaan Top Brand 2000-2007 (2009)]
*[http://www.irjbs.com/index.php/jurnalirjbs/article/view/321 MEMBANGUN STRATEGI "Low Budget High Impact Di Era New Wave Marketing Kajian Atas Perusahaan-Perusahaan Top Brand 2000-2007 (2009)]

Latest revision as of 15:38, 12 July 2024

Dr David Sukardi Kodrat, M.M., CPM (Asia).

Profile Picture David Sukardi Kodrat.jpg

Academic rank:

Dr David Sukardi Kodrat, M.M., CPM (Asia). is an Assistant Professor in Universitas Ciputra. He joined Universitas Ciputra since 2006 and currently part of Magister of Management.

Author Pages

ORCiD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2974-9528
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=gGTJU-oAAAAJ
SINTA https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6007384


  • Studi Kelayakan Bisnis
  • Strategi Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family Business
  • Financial Korporasi

International Journal indexed by Scopus/WoS

International Journal

National Journal indexed by Sinta

National Journal

International Proceeding



Formal Educations

Year Level School/Institution/University
1992 S1 Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
2001 S2 Universitas Jember
2005 S3 Universitas Brawijaya